Friday, April 6, 2007

Medicine Mambo

It seemed I was now the Queen of Medication ... yuck! Each day I popped 500 mg of Diamox, which is a diuretic used to flush out the unwanted fluid in my body. I also had to prescribed to pop 800 mg of Motrin 3 times a day. I would be a zombie. I took those only in emergencies. Emergency being a pain in my head that felt like an ice pick was ripping through my brain.
I was also given Topamax. This was supposed to be a preventative medicine for migraines, because besides the PTC, my brain was being over run by killer debilitating migraines. The Topamax made things worse. This medicine made my body so overly tired I could barely function and to boot I broke out in a rash which made my body resemble an enormous pimple. I had to stop immediately. Time to move onto something else. I was given another 3 medications before we found something that semi worked.
The problem was my doctor was at a stand still because there were only certain medications that he could mix with the PTC medication. That didn't leave much choice. I was finally given Celexa, a depression medicine. It was used in my situation because it helps my brain to relax and allow liquid to be absorbed.
The doctor also gave me a 12 pill pack for pain. If I begin to suffer from a severe headache from the PTC or migraine attack then I must take this nearly lethal pill to allow the pain to subside.
Figuring out my medicine routine took the doctor about 4 months. It seemed I was on my way to a stability.

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