Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What is it?

I stayed in the hospital for a few hours where they poked, prodded and badgered my body. I was hooked up to a heart monitor and then sent in for a CAT scan. The results came back positive, meaning my symptoms of earlier in the night were unexplainable as far as the staff was concerned. Now what?
I was sent home and given the directions to consult my doctor in the morning. Gee thanks a lot!
In the morning, I still had some symptoms of the night before. I was unable to walk properly and my speech was still a bit slurred. My aunt drove me to the doctor cause I was not permitted to drive myself. My family doctor immediately recommended I consult with a neurologist.
Luckily, I found a neurologist that was willing to see me within a day's time.
I visited this doctor, who might I add I would never suggest anyone see, and he told me I was stressed out, that I was suffering from vertigo, and ordered me to get an MRI.
Because I suffer from a severe case of claustrophobia, I had to go to a special facility that gives a stand-up MRI. The results were sent over to the doctor who then called me with the news. He told me with a passive attitude that there was nothing wrong with me and it was just a fluke occurrence that night.
Ummm, yeah OK - I live with pounding headaches and then loose all of my faculties and I am fine. That diagnosis left me with a rotting pit in my stomach. I had to find a new doctor. And fast!

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